Kosangas Vaporizers

Kosangas Vaporizers have been proven all over the world for more than 40 years and are trusted and used by major international oil and gas companies.

Our KT 92/96 and KTW 97 models are easy to install, operate and maintain.

Mechanical thermostats ensure a controlled heating temperature range of 55°C to 60°C, preventing LPG vapour from overheating and minimizing heavy ends in pipelines.

KSG 08 model comes with Remote Weather-Proof Control and Monitoring Panel System to cater to needs of users. KSG 08 model has a capacity range from 25 kg/hr to 1,200 kg/hr for the Indirect Electrically Heated Water Bath Vaporizers.

Safety Features :-

  • A solenoid valve controlled by mechanical thermostats eliminates problems caused by heat-sensitive electronics.
  • Temperature sensors protect against liquid penetration and overloading.
  • Two level switched in the water chamber disconnect power supply if the water level drops below a pre-specified minimum.
  • A safety relief valve protects the pressure vessel against unacceptable pressure increase.

Local & Global Support

Our international network of Kosangas distributors provide you with efficient after-sales services and professional technical back-up, ensuring your Kosangas vaporizers are well looked after.